Guidelines for Reviewers

  1. Please check if the article matches your area of expertise if you feel it does not match, please contact the editor soon.  Suggesting an alternative reviewer which matches the article is very much appreciated.
  2. Please assure you do not have conflict of interest in reviewing the article. If so, please inform the editor immediately.
  3. Please make sure that you have time to review the article since reviewing is a time-consuming work.
  4. After login to the Open Journal System (OJS) of the Open Access Health Scientific Journal, please accept the review request by click “will do” the review. If you find problem to Login to the OJS, please contact the administrator: Admin OAHSJ, email:
  5. Please pay attention to the due date, which is the deadline of the review period. Please accomplish your review within the due date, but your review soon after the invitation is very much appreciated. The delay of your review decision slows down the review process, this causes waiting for author.  We would be very grateful for your support to speed up the review process.
  6. After you accept the review request in the OJS, you will be able to download the manuscript in word type (.doc). Please download the file.
  7. Please treat the manuscript as a confidential document, do not share it to anyone else, except with the permission of Editor/s for reviewing purposes.
  8. Please use the Microsoft Word to comment on the manuscript using the “Review” tool.
  9. Kindly check the following items:
    1. Title. Does the title clearly describe the article?
    2. Abstract. Does the abstract sufficiently reflect the article? Does the article provide a novelty in the research field? Is the study important to support the knowledge in the research area?
    3. Introduction. Does the introduction provide enough information regarding the previous studies, the gap and the importance of the study?
    4. Materials and Method. Does the article present the complete information on the materials and method, so that anyone can duplicate the experiment? Does the method was appropriate to approach the problem-solving?
    5. Results. Does the results produced from the procedures in the method section? Please be aware if any data emerges without clear information in the method section. If the data is presented in Table or Figure, please check the clarity and appropriateness of data visualization.  Does the Table or Figure easily to understand and interpreted? Please also check the statistical information regarding the data.
      Does the data clearly explain here? Please check if any data has not been interpreted. If possible, please suggest the author to arrange the data from the most important to less important data.
    6. Discussion. Does the author discuss the data comprehensively by referring to the results? Does the author provide sufficient citation to support or explain the results? If possible, please suggest author to discuss from the most important finding to less important (supportive information). That is, by considering that the purpose of the study as the most important finding.
    7. Conclusion. Does the conclusion meets the study purpose/ purposes and constructed based on the results? Does it arrange simply and easy to understand as a “take home” message? Please make sure there is no any statistical statement in conclusion. If possible, please suggest for any possible further study.
    8. English. Overall, does the article is written in good English, so easy to understand and communicative? Does the article need English improvement (proofreading)?
  10. After you review, please login to the Open Journal System (OJS) of Open Access Health Scientific Journal, complete the “Reviewer’s Comments” and upload the file with your comments. Finally, decide the status of the article please select one from the following option.
    1. Accept Submission (without revision)
    2. Revisions Required
    3. Resubmit for Review
    4. Resubmit Elsewhere
    5. Decline Submission (Reject)
    6. After selecting the option, kindly click the “Submit Review” button